Collections Page Guide - Part 1

Collections Page Guide - Part 1

Welcome to part 1 of The Collections Page guide!

We're diving deep into 5 brands and how we adjusted their collections page! You can test ALL these suggestions on your own website. 

Let's jump in! 

Number 1: Ohne

Suggestion 1: If you have various categories that require users to scroll the entire page then add a simple selector to help them jump to where they need.

Suggestion 2: Test trimming the headline down to get users to products faster. Remove the image completely. It’s not communicating anything of value and is just a distraction.

Suggestion 3: Add a review badge and total number of reviews to build trust and align the copy to the left for easy readability.

As well, consider trimming the images to a 1:1 aspect ratio if possible (rather than a tall portrait crop).

Number 2: Perfect Locks

Quick Tip: If your site has numerous collection pages, think about utilizing a "load more" button. In this example, the brand has 10 collections - we surfaced their top 3, and allow users to load more if they wish.

p.s. also include a secondary text link to “Shop All".

Number 3: Unreal

Quick Tip: In most cases, you should always show your product title - don’t assume users will read the packaging


Number 4: Supply

Quick Tip: Long collection page descriptions can kill conversion - test removing it to save vertical space Instead, lead off with just your header + number of products


Number 5: Blu Atlas

Suggestion 1: Your goal is to push customers further down the sales funnel to eventually convert. Remove the breadcrumbs which give customers easy access to go back to the homepage.

Suggestion 2: State the number of products clearly right next to the headline. Clarity is key here.

Suggestion 3: Crop your product images to avoid scroll fatigue, add a review badge and call-out the total number of reviews to break down any trust barriers.

Suggestion 4: Provide additional information on the product that can help entice customers. Also include the size of each product for transparency.


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